La classe non è AQUA!
Fortune & Aqua Cooperate in Transformer Shipment to Marghera 25th May 2023 Fortune International, our members from Italy, are glad…
diamo i numeri!
segnatevi questi numeri: 130, 350 ed 800. Il primo è il numero delle Nazioni del Mondo dove siamo presenti con…
We are proudly members of Project Cargo Network
Circumnavigating Africa
nowadays, thanks to technology, it is possible to manage international transport from the comfort of your home. This is an…
The solution
the problem: we have a huge case (almost 6 meters high) that weighs almost 80 tons … at the factory,…
proiettati verso il futuro
la Fortune International Transport già guarda al 2025, quando si terrà l’EXPO in Giappone! Il nostro agente giapponese (Nisshin Transportation…
Maurizio Pistore: all around the world
Fortune International Transport is among the sponsors of this world event! After the 2002 Omo River Motoraid, the 2003 Southern…
Import of MASKS (for COVID 19) into Italy
we are handling many imports of MASKS related to the COVID19 issue, becoming one of the most expert on this…
we are now members of this exclusive network: always ahead to be able to grant the best services to our…